Monday, March 21, 2011

4th-5th six weeks

it is important to look at things  forward because when you have a problem or something like you have some one you can go tell.
i am looking up to go to college when i get out of high school but at this point of high school not all of my grades are passing grades. i also hope to go live in Dallas when i i go to college i hope i can go. i really dont know what i want to be but i hope i can be something. i also hope for next year to get a work when i am not on school. well thats pretty much what i want to do

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

post blog #3 5th six weeks

this spring brake i am going to go to the rodeo with my friends. also this spring brake we are celebrating my little brothers birthday at my uncles house.I hope this spring brake goes better than last year, last year i didnt do anything. I also hope to sleep alot because this days i been so sleepy. Me and my friends have plans but i really hope this spring brake goes better than ever.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

post#2 5th six weeksz

I learned that stop motion is a animation technique to make a physically manipulated object apper to move in its own. I also learned that in stop motion you can also use clay figures to make a stop motion video. some other thing that i learned was that in stop motion is often use to show objects moving as it was magic. In stop motion they use pictures to move the images on the video. Motion animation using clay is called clay-motion.